Sunday 23 December 2012

The Doctor Who Christmas Special

Anyone else exited for the Doctor Who Christmas Special because I am. Everyone has been saying about how boring doctor who has got recently but i totally dis agree. OK i will admit that it is not the best series that have ever been but I love Amy and Rory. However the only episode that I didn't like was the episode about the little black boxes. All that episode was about the doctor watching a box for a few months and when they did do something they did some tests, the doctor goes up to a space ship defeats a alien in literally about two minutes and then it ends. Now come on what type of episode is that. The only i'm not looking forward to is the new companion because she played Oswin in the first episode of the most recent series.  Now that was a good episode it made me cry. Anyway, when i see her as the companion all i'm going to see is a darlek and i don't think she is going to be a very good companion but anyway i am willing to be convinced. But this Christmas special looks very good and i'm sure it will be.

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas


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