Saturday 7 September 2013

League of Legends!

League of Legends is a free to play multiplayer online battle arena game. Basically you play as a champion and there are loads of different champions that you can choose from and they all have different abiltys and the aim of the game is to the destroy the enemies. However you have to face the other team champions who are trying to destroy your Nexus.

League of Legends is seriously addictive and you get sucked into the game very quickly and you suddenly find yourself not being able to stop playing.

However they're are some bad points to the game. The games last a long time some matches can last up to 45 minutes to an hour therefore you do have to have a pretty good attention span to play LOL. Also another negative point you cannot leave in the middle of a match otherwise you are issued a time ban these can last up to 1 hour to a week and there is no way out of them even if you have technical troubles you are still issued a time ban.

I really really love league and i recomend that you should all go and play it i give it a 10/10.

Are we addicted to our phones??

A video was released about a week ago on  CharstarleneTV which shows how much we achually use our phones and how much we rely on them. In the video it shows a woman who has forgotten her phone and she is ignored my her friends because they are constantly and on their phones. Is our addiction of our phones stopping us from interacting with other people? One of the top comments on this video was “I fear the day technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.”― Albert Einstein. 

So do you think that our phone addictions are changing our lives or not? let me now your thaughts.

Monday 17 June 2013

Lots of blog posts coming your way

So ive been watching lots of secret diary of a call girl so im all wooo bloggging so when my phone gets back from the shop and i can blog on the go expect posts from me at least 4 times a dayy yyaaayyyyyy

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Depression and Self Harm

I know i have been away for quite a while im sorry, anyway this post is going to be a serious one but I promise after this one they are going to be more fun  and exiteing so look forward to them anyway as you can see from the title i'm going to be talking about depression and self harm. So anyway lets get started.

The first topic is depression, depression can be triggered by anything even if you dont have a big problem little problems can mount up and then you can just snap, also you could have the perfect life and still have depression. There are lots of different types of depression for example there is mild, moderate and servere depression these are used to tell people how depressed you are and how bad your depression is also there is  seasonal depression this means that you are more depressed in winter and less depressed in summer, additionally there is bi-polar depression or manic depression this means that you have stages were you feel confident then you will fall back into depression. All of these can effect others in different ways and people can deal with depression differently for example people could choose to deal with depression by self-harming or by just attempting to ignore it. Any type of person can suffer from any of these types of depression.

If you know of someone who is suffering with depression i would reccomend that you should try and talk to them about but also you should not try to lecuture them giving them emotional support is okay but do not lecure them because it can make them feel lower and it could even make them feel worse. Also just listen sometimes people who have depression just want to be listen to because they could be feling excluded and ignored so sometimes it could just be better to listen to tthem and not say anything but JUST LISTEN.

Second topic, Self harm is were a person hurts them self delibertly. Most people think that self harm is just cutting yourself, yes this is a form of self harm but there are many forms of self harm like buring yourself or even something like punching a wall. If you know someone who is self harming you should tell someone because self harm is very very serious one day they could harm themselves so much that they almost die. Also if you do find someone who has self harmed and there life is in danger call 999 and ask what they have done and if they have took anything ask how much they have took and when they took it  also like i said in the depression paragraph just listen and talk to them and offer suport and you never know you could save their life.

Overall if you are reading this and you are suffering from depression or are self harming or both. Just remeber you are beautiful and amazing and lots of people think the same and people who know someone who has depression or is self harming i hope you are more informed on how you can help them and if you ever need a chat my twitter is mattyisnothere so tweet me anytime and im sure i can offer you some help.


Sunday 23 December 2012

The Doctor Who Christmas Special

Anyone else exited for the Doctor Who Christmas Special because I am. Everyone has been saying about how boring doctor who has got recently but i totally dis agree. OK i will admit that it is not the best series that have ever been but I love Amy and Rory. However the only episode that I didn't like was the episode about the little black boxes. All that episode was about the doctor watching a box for a few months and when they did do something they did some tests, the doctor goes up to a space ship defeats a alien in literally about two minutes and then it ends. Now come on what type of episode is that. The only i'm not looking forward to is the new companion because she played Oswin in the first episode of the most recent series.  Now that was a good episode it made me cry. Anyway, when i see her as the companion all i'm going to see is a darlek and i don't think she is going to be a very good companion but anyway i am willing to be convinced. But this Christmas special looks very good and i'm sure it will be.

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas
